Welcome Home!

We're a community of Jesus-followers learning to love God and love others, where we live, work, go to school and play.

We gather in Ajax on Sundays at 10am:


60 Kearney Drive, Ajax, ON 

livestream on Youtube @forestbrookcc

gatherings include musical worship (singing), prayer, communion and a message

FBCC Kids program runs alongside our gatherings (more info)


New here?

We strive to be a community where everyone belongs. We're excited to get to know you! Tell us a little about yourself...

Spend Christmas Eve with Forest Brook


Let's Pray

We believe in the power of prayer.

Sign up to receive regular prayer updates, as well as urgent requests whenever they arise. 

Thank you for committing to pray regularly for our church family and community - we believe it truly makes a difference. 


Need Prayer? Share your request HERE.

Help Host Sunday Gatherings

We strive to be a community where everyone belongs, and where everyone contributes in the unique way they're wired. 

In order to cultivate an environment that is welcoming, safe, inclusive and centered around the hospitality of Jesus, we depend on a team of individuals and families who volunteer to share the 'work' of the Sunday gathering experience. (Things like; making coffee, smiling and saying 'hello' at the door, keeping the tech running smoothly, cutting bread and pouring juice for communion, and even responding in the event of an emergency.)


We are looking to grow the teams that support our gatherings.

Can you help?